Ward has a nine year old son named John. Ward and John have an amazing father/son relationship. Much of their relationship is centered around the wonderful game of baseball.....America's favorite past time!! The two of them attend Kansas City Royals games and spend much of their time getting autographs and pictures of major league baseball players. They have an entire room in their house dedicated to their memorabilia.
Helmer Pichardo is a young boy that attends our school, Colegio Isaias Emanuel, and is in the G.O. Kids Program. He has hopped on board whole-heartedly with the Dominican's passion...which also happens to be baseball! Helmer trains and plays daily with Jose Luis and our G.O. Sports Ministry team.

How did these two families that live many miles apart become so involved with each other?? God will use whatever He feels necessary to bring his children together and in this case, baseball is the common bond. Ward has been on two mission trips to the Dominican Republic in the last two years. If you ask him, he loves Jesus, the game of baseball and teaching both to kids. Ward and his family have taken the opportunity to invest in Helmer's life. Since February of 2007, not only has the Dickmann family supported Helmer through the G.O. Kids program, but Ward has spent time getting to know him. They talk, exchange hats and share the passion of both America and the Dominican.......baseball.
When Ward is serving in the Dominican Republic for 1 week out of the year, he doesn't have to worry about missing out on the "love of the game" with his son, Helmer is here to keep it alive!
God has intertwined two lives using the passion of the Dominicans and the past time of America, it's a beautiful game!